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Residence painted for the owner of one of Canada's largest lumber companies.
Griffin Properties Ltd.
Interior of the above residence with automotive finish on staircase.
Griffin Properties Ltd.
This residence is on a private island owned by Craig McCaw.Total floor area of residence 25,000 sq/ft. C@W Construction Ltd.
James Island B.C Canada
Cellular One
This yacht was also owned by Craig McCaw and went under a total interior renovation .We were contracted to do all the finishing and flexwood applications as well as hanging fabric wall coverings.
Example of the above yacht interior .
Embassy Suites Niagara Falls Canada PCL Construction
Marriott Victoria Canada Sandbar Construction
Ocean Point Delta Victoria B.C Canada Sandbar Construction
Homewood Suites Toronto Canada
Windsor Casino and Hotel Canada PCL Construction
Hamilton Courthouse PCL Construction
Wood Gundy Investments Inc. Scotia Bank Tower Toronto , Canada
Theater Toronto, Canada PCL Construction
Whistler Residence B.C Canada
Hotel Ballroom Flexwood
AMC Theater Toronto,Canada PCL